i been on a 30 day Zuckerjail term for inciting violence by quoting a movie…as the fearless co-founders of your beloved tribe are highly skilled at attracting Fatal Attraction level psychos another crazy girl has brought us turmoil, shocking!!! Here is me making progress or at least lying to myself and my therapist about it:
Hepster Pat has been slaving away across the internets gettting new muzik and horrible old shit for a few concept dj sets. The first of which “Love is the Hardest Art” is out now. I am hoping to have “Shoes” and “But Wait Theres More!” up sometime ths week… In other weltmuzik news Remy Brect…
It has just come to my attention that the newest episode of the weltmuzikast is missing the last 40 minutes or so, I will be I will be fixing the file and reoutputting later tonight sorry for any problems this may have caused 2-16-21 @ 7:25pm MST
IAs our friend and brother A23P of The Church of Space is a fan of saying its the time to party on and to art harder. I am going to be interviewing our tribemember and friend James Church of CRL Studios, Lucidstatic, Angel of Violence and recently Barcoder, tomorrow. I am hoping to quick turn…
I have been meaning to get around to updating our roster and finally did, heres a list of the new additions with links, much more to come soon! artists:Brother Saturn https://brothersaturn.bandcamp.com/Collapse of Dawn https://uponeventualcollapse.bandcamp.com/Conformco https://conformco.bandcamp.com/DJ BeeGee Allin https://hearthis.at/dj-beegee-allin/Dogtablet https://dogtablet.bandcamp.com/Ed Skymall https://www.btrtoday.com/skymall/eHpH https://ehph.bandcamp.com/Ether of Souls https://etherofsouls.bandcamp.com/releasesGutzy Collins https://soundcloud.com/gutzy_collinsHidden House https://hiddenhouse1.bandcamp.com/releasesKlack https://klack.bandcamp.com/Melodywhore https://melodywhore.bandcamp.com/Melting Rust Opera https://meltingrustopera.bandcamp.com/Red Lokust…
https://hearthis.at/weltmuzikast/ our new home for thew weltmuzikast allows for easy embedding in posts and stuff
10th anniversary intro1 – EBN – Hello – (1993/TVT) https://www.discogs.com/EBN-EBN/release/109363852 – Lucky People Center – Rodney King (1993/SPV) https://www.discogs.com/LPC-Welcome-To-Lucky-People-Center/master/210563 – Batz Without Flesh – Watch Your Back (1989/nailed to sound) https://www.discogs.com/Batz-Without-Flesh-A-Million-Bricks/master/2474694 – Non-Aggression Pact – Propaganda (1992/GPC productions) https://www.discogs.com/Non-Aggression-Pact-Gesticulate/master/1642505 – Non-Aggression Pact – Data Rape (1994/Re-constriction) https://www.discogs.com/Non-Aggression-Pact-9mm-Grudge/release/1064206 – voiceprint 17 – SMP – Somebody Dissin’You…
as part of the efforts here at the weltmuzik kommand center to get with the times and get content out to the ever hungry void of WiFi waves and neon wires we have whipped up a new introduction to the weltmuzikast which should finally get an episode 31 soon!